Parental Rights

Parental Rights in Education

At the Ministry of Education in Enugu, we believe that parents play a crucial role in their children's education. This page is dedicated to outlining the rights of parents in the educational journey of their children. We are committed to upholding these rights and fostering a strong partnership between parents and the education system.

Right to Information: Parents have the right to access information about their child's education, including academic progress, attendance, and school policies. We value transparency and aim to keep parents informed.

Right to Participation:

Parents have the right to participate in decisions related to their child's education. This includes attending parent-teacher meetings, providing input on school policies, and collaborating with educators.

Right to Privacy:

We respect the privacy of parents and students. Personal information is kept confidential, and parental consent is required for specific actions, such as sharing student records.

Right to Support:

Parents have the right to seek support and resources for their child's educational needs. We are committed to providing assistance and guidance to parents.

Right to Be Informed:

Parents should be informed about their child's academic performance, areas of improvement, and opportunities for involvement in their education.

Right to Advocate:

Parents have the right to advocate for their child's educational needs, including special accommodations and support for students with diverse learning requirements.

Right to Complaint:

If parents have concerns or complaints related to their child's education, we encourage them to voice their concerns and seek resolution through appropriate channels.

Right to Quality Education:

Parents have the right to expect a quality education for their child. We are committed to providing educational excellence and a safe learning environment.

Right to Be Heard:

We value the opinions and perspectives of parents. We encourage open communication and engagement with parents to improve the educational experience.

Right to Participation in Policy Development:

Parents have the right to participate in the development and review of educational policies that impact their children's schooling.