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About the Ministry of Education

Greetings! It is a pleasure to welcome you to the Enugu State Ministry of Education! Our mission is to Improve the Quality of Education in Enugu, in Pursuit of SDG 2052, to Generate a Skilled Workforce, to Enable Enugu State to achieve 0% Poverty Headcount, and to Increase our GDP from $4.4B to $30B! We are committed to educational excellence, innovation, and inclusivity. Indeed, it is an exciting time for education in Enugu State. Unprecedented investments in infrastructure, technology, and human capital are underway, along with changes that will restructure learning and instruction to address the knowledge crisis and skills gap that have long undermined sustainable growth and productivity. Through the creation of 260 new Smart Green Schools featuring a signature Experiential Learning Curriculum, we are transforming Basic Education into a catalyst for economic and sustainable development and inviting core partners to invest in our historic efforts.

His Excellency, Barr. Dr. Peter Ndubuisi Mbah, through his manifesto, strategic plan, and executive actions, as well as through the support of the State Legislature and the capacitated endeavors of the Enugu State Ministry of Education, has arduously and unwaveringly pursued a revolutionary education reform policy, that is fundamental to catapulting the State’s GDP from $4.4b to $30b USD per annum! Enugu State Leadership recognizes the potential of Basic Education to create a foundation for vocational and tertiary education, and a dynamic pipeline for strategic economic growth. 

In addition to developing a workforce equipped with 21st Century skills and competencies, graduates are needed to support key areas of integrated sector-based innovation including: Information and Communications Technology; Energy and Mineral Resources; Sustainable Agriculture; Commerce and Industry; Rural and Urban Development; Creative Industries and Tourism. 

Our pilot Enugu Smart Green School is ready for commissioning on April 16, 2024! Students have been enrolled! A cohort of Smart Teachers are piloting Experiential Learning and High-Impact Practices aligned with the UN SDGs, engaging students in real-world challenges and innovations. 

Civil construction work is ongoing in 109 Wards, and contracts for a remainder 150 Schools will soon be awarded, such that we are on track to deliver 260 Enugu Smart Green Schools in record time!

Each of our 260 BASIC SMART & GREEN Schools is equipped with:

  • 25 Inclusive Classrooms, accommodating Students with Special Needs, and equipped with Interactive Digital White Boards
  • 700 android tablets 
  • A centre for Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
  • A modern ICT Center
  • TWO well-equipped Science Labs. for junior secondary school and primary school
  • A hybrid multimedia library
  • A Technology Laboratory
  • A Studio for Creative Production
  • A medical clinic
  • A solar system
  • An internet facility
  • ENEMS - Learning and School Management System driven by Artificial Intelligence
  • An integrated greenhouse smart farm that supports our school lunch program.

Expected Outcomes of the Enugu Basic Education System”

  •  Poverty Eradication
  •  Human Capital Development
  •  21st Skills and Competencies
  •  SDGs-aligned Local Innovation and Productivity (GDP)
  •  Workforce Development
  •  Economic Growth 

Thank You! 

Prof. Mbah Ndubueze L. Mbah 

Honourable Commissioner, Ministry of Education, Enugu State.

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